Sunday 11 December 2011


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Nama               :- JAYAKUMAR A/L MUNISAMY

No.Matriks      :- D20102045005

Tajuk              :- Living And Nonliving Things

Saturday 10 December 2011

Living Things and Non-living Things

Difference Between Living Things and Non-living Things

Living Things vs Non-living Things

Living things and Non-living things are subjects that one has to master. The basic of all sciences relies on the student learning to differentiate between the two. There are things that are obvious to tell apart, however things that are living but are hardly moving may get confusing at times.

Living things

Living things are things that are alive, as the word implies. Alive could mean a couple of things: breathing, growing, moving and reproducing. However not all characteristics would automatically determine if the object is living or not. Examples of living things are: animalsplantsinsects, bacteria and of course, humans. All types of living things needs energy to keep on existing, this is done through several means or methods.

Non-living things

In the meantime non-living things are the exact opposite of living things. They do not exhibit any growth and they do not have a life of its own. They do not eat, sleep, reproduce, and respond to any forms of stimuli. There are non-living things however that can grow in size. An example would be icicles formed from rain and snow. They grow in size however they are not living.

Difference between Living and Non-living Things

Living things exhibit life while non-living things does not. Living things grow, produce and move; non-living things do not. Living things needs energy and can even produce their own energy just like the plants, while non-living things do not need energy since they do not grow. Living things move, even plants have movement even if it is limited. Non-living things on the other hand does not move unless influenced by another source. If living things can grow, they most absolutely have the capacity to die; non-living things do not die because they are not alive to begin with.It may be an easy subject to tackle however once you delve into the specifics of each subject, you will soon realize that there are characteristics that makes distinguishing between the two very difficult.

In brief:

• Living things can exhibit life while non-living things can not. They breath, grow, and need energy to exist, and most of them need air to breath.
• Living things can move while non-living things can not unless if they are moved by another force.
• Living things have the capacity to reproduce on their own while non-living can not unless of coursed reproduced by a living object, for example, a human making car parts.
• Living things will sooner or later die while non-living things does not have the capacity to live nor die.

Characteristics of Living Things

Defining a living thing is a difficult proposition, as is defining “life”—that property possessed by living things. However, a living thing possesses certain properties that help define what life is.

Complex organization


Living things exhibit a rapid turnover of chemical materials, which is referred to asmetabolism. Metabolism involves exchanges of chemical matter with the external environment and extensive transformations of organic matter within the cells of a living organism. Metabolism generally involves the release or use of chemical energy. Nonliving things do not display metabolism.


All living things are able to respond to stimuli in the external environment. For example, living things respond to changes in light, heat, sound, and chemical and mechanical contact. To detect stimuli, organisms have means for receiving information, such as eyes, ears, and taste buds.
To respond effectively to changes in the environment, an organism must coordinate its responses. A system of nerves and a number of chemical regulators calledhormones coordinate activities within an organism. The organism responds to the stimuli by means of a number of effectors, such as muscles and glands. Energy is generally used in the process.
Organisms change their behavior in response to changes in the surrounding environment. For example, an organism may move in response to its environment. Responses such as this occur in definite patterns and make up the behavior of an organism. The behavior is active, not passive; an animal responding to a stimulus is different from a stone rolling down a hill. Living things display responsiveness; nonliving things do not.


Growth requires an organism to take in material from the environment and organize the material into its own structures. To accomplish growth, an organism expends some of the energy it acquires during metabolism. An organism has a pattern for accomplishing the building of growth structures.
During growth, a living organism transforms material that is unlike itself into materials that are like it. A person, for example, digests a meal of meat and vegetables and transforms the chemical material into more of himself or herself. A nonliving organism does not display this characteristic.


A living thing has the ability to produce copies of itself by the process known asreproduction. These copies are made while the organism is still living. Among plants and simple animals, reproduction is often an extension of the growth process. For example, bacteria grow and quickly reach maturity, after which they split into two organisms by the process of asexual reproduction. Asexual reproduction involves only one parent, and the resulting cells are generally identical to the parent cell.
More complex organisms engage in a type of reproduction called sexual reproduction, in which two parents contribute to the formation of a new individual. During this process, a new combination of traits can be produced. The process is generally more complex than asexual reproduction, requiring that parents find one another, then (usually) care for their offspring before it can live independently. Nonliving things have no such ability or requirements.


Populations of living organisms have the ability to adapt to their environment through the process of evolution. During evolution, changes occur in populations, and the organisms in the population become better able to metabolize, respond, and reproduce. They develop abilities to cope with their environment that their ancestors did not have.


The environment influences the living things that it surrounds. Ecology is the study of relationships between organisms and their relationships with their environment. Living things can alter their environment, but nonliving things cannot. Living things, for example, may migrate or hibernate if the environment becomes difficult to live in.

Question Excerpt From SCIENCE YEAR 2 (Living Things and Non-Living Things)

Q.1) Which of the following ia a living thing?
Q.2) Which of the following is a non-living thing?
Q.3) Living things need ________________ to stay alive.
Q.4) Living things need _____________ to breathe.
Q.5) A cat can _______________ but a table cannot.